Shall I deal you in? New money--I mean players always welcome!
Oh, hi! Er, no, Naked News is a couple of doors down the hall.
You've obviously tripped over this place by accident (who would come here willingly?), so you might as well waste a few minutes while your coffee cools or your beer warms.
I'll attempt to keep the cussing in check (after all the CO--otherwise known as the wife--reads this when she's slumming).
I hope you enjoy rattling around in my head and will come back occasionally when you have nothing constructive to do.
And remember what the T-shirt sez: "If you can read, thank a teacher! If you can read in English, thank a Marine!"
This site is made possible by a consortium of St. Anthony of Padua, St. Dymphna, St. Bede the Venerable, and St. Barbara
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